Baik, cocok, terutama untuk anak - anak yang berumur 6 tahun ke atas ( karena Myhelth tidak dianjurkan untuk balita ), karena Myhelth akan membantu pertumbuhannya.
Jumat, 13 April 2012
Sari Manggis
Baik, cocok, terutama untuk anak - anak yang berumur 6 tahun ke atas ( karena Myhelth tidak dianjurkan untuk balita ), karena Myhelth akan membantu pertumbuhannya.
Kamis, 04 Maret 2010
Rabu, 16 Desember 2009
there is no title, i just try it
I suggest to better use open source software
My Knowledge About History of Open Source
As we now, open source was be for log time ago. That at first just be a free software and then come software proprietary that was maden by a company. The came of software proprietary mendominasi industri software dengan cepat, untill come free software for alternatif sollution.
When IBM and the other vendor selling computer with big form on year 1960, on the same time they use software that “free”, in here “free” has mean free share with the users, it’s different with modify the software in accordance with the user desires because having given its source code allowed openly. After that, changes come, year-end 1960 IBM doesn’t give source code again.
My Opinion about Facebook Affects Some People
In fact, we realize or not, the Internet users that at first they don’t now nothing except e-mail and chatting, now they must see their friends status of facebook. More over para housemaid are also follow their boss to use Facebook. Although they just use local cell phone, but it’s not bad,if just could be he/she joining in and making friends with her/his boss. You can try to ask your housemaid,ask he or she, “do you have a facebook?”. Don’t prohibited, but rather is intended to be used properly and correctly!
Jumat, 27 November 2009
Speaker Ultra Slim
FleXspeaker also consume just a litle power, so this is very perfect if you want to using it with other hardware portable. .
But in the weakness, FleXspeaker just can produce output until 20 KHz.
PlayStation 3 to go 3D
This gadget is very interesting, but this is just only still in the concept, we call it, "Infinity Book". The form of his Gadget reader is looks like a newspaper that can fold and save in your bag.
Is designed by Ewald Neuhofer, this Infinity book towards to brochure ore newspaper than a digital book like other gadgets. This gadget have many features like touchscreen, scrolling with one hand and you can flipping to next page like newspaper.